Seminar Proceedings

Indigenous Knowledge Applications for Livestock Care
Language: EnglishPublished: January 2016
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These are the proceedings of a National level workshop which was held in September 2004.The purpose of the workshop was to share the findings of the IKAH project with a larger group of veterinarians, scientists, academics, development workers and professionals. The workshop touched key areas of concern, namely the appropriateness and validation of indigenous knowledge, delivery of health care services, introduction of indigenous knowledge in the veterinary curriculum, and the burning issue of patents and IPRs. An important objective was to explore concerns and initiate debate on issues of intellectual property rights (IPRs), biodiversity and benefit sharingi n the larger context of rapid globalization and privatization.
These proceedings assume greater importance even as India has signed the Patents Bill and many critical acts and bills pertaining to people’s rights over their natural resources, which are being fiercely debated at national and international levels.