Bringing Visibility and Recognition to Women Livestock Farmers and Pastoralists & Their Knowledge

Location: Maharashtra India
Collaboration: Several Partner NGO’s
Aim: The aim of this project is to document the knowledge which women livestock keepers and pastoralists in Maharashtra have related to livestock rearing systems, livestock produce and processing, livestock breeding and health. This knowledge will be brought out in the form of case studies and detailed scripts which can potentially be used for presentations, movies and other material. The case studies will also be shared between women’s groups so as to enable knowledge dissemination and exchange.
Through this project we want to:
- Increase the scholarship on women’s knowledge by awarding fellowships and internships to students.
- Give visibility and recognition to this knowledge through careful documentation and writing case studies, articles, research papers etc
- Create platforms for sharing this knowledge meetings, consultations, award ceremonies, whatsapp groups etc.
- Identify areas where women need support and inform policy makers and scientists for the need to undertake research / interventions in these areas
Expected Outcomes
- Greater visibility to women and their knowledge
- Women value their own knowledge and gain confidence and self respect
- Men get sensitized and begin to respect this knowledge and women