- May 5, 2017
Banu bai learns to sign.
Banubai Khatal is a pastoralist, a shepherd from Maharashtra, India. Banubai has not been to school and consequently does not know how to read or write. Her family migrates with their sheep and it is not easy to get enrolled in school which mainly caters to people from sedentary communities .
Banu bai has wanted to learn to read and write all her life but has been shy and not aware of the way to go about it. However, there is a way out of this. Anthra has been looking for and taking to the community different models whereby education can be taken to those who are hard to reach. The Nomad’s Edu-Kit was designed by Rasi Surana for these very people.
Now, Rasi along with the Anthra team is sharing the Nomad’s Edu-Kit with the Dhangars at their places of migration. Hesitant at first, the girls and women of the community have slowly begun to come forth to participate in these sessions. Today for the first time, Banu bai signed her name on a piece of paper instead of putting a thumb impression. We are also happy to report her husband was the most proud of her achievement.