The Governing Board
Women from diverse disciplines form the Governing Board of Anthra

Anthra’s all-women Governing Board includes path-breaking veterinarians and a cross-section of distinguished researchers and practitioners. Members of the Board individually and collectively share a deep commitment to improving the livelihoods and well-being of livestock carers and pastoralists, the social and medical aspects of animal health and husbandry, and working towards sustainable and equitable ecological development.
Members of the Board
Bhavana Rao Kuchimanchi has a PhD in agricultural production systems and a Masters in Agricultural entomology. She has 26 years of experience as a practitioner and researcher in rural development, watershed management, climate change adaptation and working on sustainable crop-livestock systems. In recent years, she has shifted focus to research for impact.
Chandana Choudhury Barua, the first woman post graduate veterinarian from Assam, is currently Professor and Head of Veterinary Pharmacology at the College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Guwahati. She has conducted varied studies in ethnopharmacology of plants and patented an herbal wound-healing product. She is interested in science communication and writes for the Assamese and English press.
Mamta Dhawan (VICE–PRESIDENT), with over 25 years of global experience, is a veterinary doctor skilled in animal health disease control, policy advocacy, gender mainstreaming, and project evaluation. Her work includes promoting pro-poor livestock policies, project design and executing animal health initiatives for social and gender equity. She has consulted with international organisations including IFAD, the World Bank, FAO, ILRI and GALVmed.
Mudasir Sultana is the first woman post-graduate veterinarian from Kashmir. Her research interests include the antimicrobial residues in foods of animal origin. She retired as Professor and Head of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences at the Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Jammu.
Nitya S. Ghotge (EXECUTIVE SECRETARY) is a veterinarian with a post -graduation in Veterinary Surgery. She has over 30 years of experience in different aspects of livestock development including indigenous knowledge systems, ethnoveterinary medicine, sustainable livestock development, training of para professionals and gender sensitive approaches in livestock systems. She has significant publications on the themes of livestock development, systems of veterinary medicine, bio diversity and pastoralism. She started Anthra in 1992, along with Sagari R. Ramdas, and presently serves as Executive Director-cum-Secretary, based in Pune.
Seema Kulkarni is an action researcher with over three decades of experience of leading projects and studies on gender and water, sanitation, land and livelihoods, and has several publications. She is a Senior Fellow at the Society for Promoting Participatory Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM), Pune. She is also a convenor of MAKAAM, the national network of women farmers, and of its Maharashtra state network.
Sumi Krishna (PRESIDENT), an independent researcher, teacher and widely-published author, is a former President of the Indian Association for Women’s Studies. She has 50 years of experience at the field, programme and policy levels on gender, environment-development, natural resources, agriculture and livelihoods. She has a particular interest in northeastern India. She has also pioneered the incorporation of gender concerns into science curricula and practice.
Vineeta Bal, M.D. is a medical doctor and immunology researcher, presently Professor Emeritus at IISER, Pune, and formerly with the National Institute of Immunology, Delhi. She has guided doctoral students and continues to teach undergraduates. She has over 100 research publications, besides reviews and articles on scientific and social issues, and has been associated with feminist, science and society, and peace organisations.
Former Associates of Anthra
Usha Mandokoth was the first woman veterinarian to graduate from the Veterinary college, Nagpur, Maharashtra in 1962. She retired as Professor of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology from the College of Veterinary Sciences, Hisar, Haryana. She has also served in senior positions at the Department of Animal Husbandry of the Government of India. She is a founder Member of Anthra.
Sagari R. Ramdas trained as a veterinarian at Hisar, Haryana and in animal breeding and genetics at UC Davis, USA. She has worked with rural and Adivasi communities as a field veterinarian, trainer and researcher on livestock and people’s livelihoods and published widely. In 1992, she started Anthra, along with Nitya S Ghotge. Presently, she works with the Food Sovereignty Alliance, India.
Mira Dakin-Sadgopal is an obstetrician and gynaecologist with over four decades of field experience on critical issues related to women and health. She is well-known for her work on mid-wives (dais) from the perspective of public health and indigenous knowledge. She has mentored practitioners and authored several books.
Patricia Gokhale trained as a psychologist and has vast experience in the development sector with special interests in the management and development of not-for-profit organisations. She has been deeply involved in vocational education and life-skills training for under-privileged children and promoting sustainable rural projects.

Our Story
Anthra was founded in 1992 by a team of women veterinarians to reach out, connect, and address the problems faced by communities who reared animals,...
Work towards sustainable and enduring livestock production systems which are based in and supportive of diverse livelihoods and...
Our Approach
We prioritize working with shepherding, pastoralist, and farming communities that have historically been marginalized by mainstream development on...